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Advanced Etudes for Flute

Sandy Kipp Iles has written etudes, exercises, and arranged chamber music for the flute for decades, and Iles Music Publishing is making these publications available to the public.
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Advanced Etudes for Flute
​Sandy's Advanced Etudes for Flute series is inspired by the rich and colorful repertoire for the symphony orchestra. Repertoire for orchestra is varied and vast, and unless you are a member of an orchestra, you may not have the opportunity to perform much of the significant repertoire. Sandy's goal with arranging these studies is for flutists to enjoy learning orchestral masterpieces, while having fun developing their fundamental
musical skills.
The Nutcracker Studies
Advanced Etudes Volume I

~ $24.99 + S&H ~
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Carmen Studies
Advanced Etudes Volume II

~ $24.99 + S&H ~
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